
Impact Investing for Women

Empowering Women in Impact Investing is a course that helps women integrate personal values with investment strategies. It covers impact investing basics, women's role in the sector, and balancing financial returns with social impact through interactive elements and practical exercises.

Learn to empower change through impactful investing and

understand the art of making informed investment decisions.

Discover Our Full Package Tailored Just for You

Comprehensive 12-Week Course:

Engage in a structured 12-week virtual course that covers the fundamentals of impact investing, advanced strategies, and current trends. Designed for both newcomers and experienced investors looking to refine their approach.

Weekly Office Hours

Benefits from weekly 15-minute office hours with experienced instructors. These sessions provide personalized guidance, answer your questions, and help you overcome any challenges in your impact investing journey.

Practical and Interactive Learning

Enjoy a mix of theoretical learning and practical application. The course includes interactive webinars that allow for real-time engagement with experts and peers, fostering a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

Here’s a closer look at what

we’ll cover during 12 weeks together:

Section 1: Foundations of Impact Investing(Weeks 1-3)

  • Understand the basics of impact investing and its evolution.

  • Differentiate impact and traditional investing, emphasizing a shift in mindset.

  • Explore the role of women in impact investing and the global landscape.

  • Dive into key concepts, terminology, and interactive learning activities.

Section 2: Aligning Investments with Personal Values (Weeks 4-6)

  • Dig into the significance of women's financial power.

  • Balance financial returns with social impact and explore fundamental terms.

  • Reflect on personal money stories and integrate values into financial decisions.

  • Guide on building your financial foundation and investment criteria.

Section 3: Exploring Asset Classes and Impact Themes (Weeks 7-8)

  • Understand the basics of impact investing and its evolution.

  • Differentiate impact and traditional investing, emphasizing a shift in mindset.

  • Explore the role of women in impact investing and the global landscape.

  • Dive into key concepts, terminology, and interactive learning activities.

Section 4: Impact Measurement, Portfolio Management, and Beyond (Weeks 9-12)

  • Develop impact theses and measurement frameworks.

  • Master portfolio management techniques and impact reporting standards.

  • Navigate regulatory and ethical landscapes, including legal structures and tax considerations.

  • Explore collaboration with networks, mobilizing capital, and predicting future trends.

  • Develop and plan a clear and actionable impact investing strategy

If you want to build your understanding of impact investing, gain practical skills, and become a catalyst for positive change,

then join us for this empowering 12-week journey.

If you want to build your understanding of impact investing, gain practical skills, and become a catalyst for positive change,

then join us for this empowering 12-week journey.

Are You Ready To:

Take control of your financial journey

Align your investments with positive change

Grow or build your investment network

Comprehensive Overview of the Information

Join us for 12 Virtual Sessions and Weekly 30-Minute Office Hours!

Week 1: Introduction to Impact Investing

1. Impact Investing Overview:

-Definitions, history, and evolution of impact investing.

-Distinctions between impact investing and other forms of philanthropy.

Interactive Workbook: Fill-in-the-blank workbook for key definitions and history.

2. Impact vs. Traditional Investing:

-Understanding the differences in objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.

-The shift in investor mindset from profit-only to profit-with-purpose. How impact investing measures up against traditional investment benchmarks.

Quiz: Short quiz to assess understanding of differences between impact and traditional investing.

3. Role of Women in Impact Investing:

-Examination of current trends and the increasing influence of women.

-Future potential for women to shape the industry. Highlighting successful women-led impact investments.

Discussion Board: Share thoughts on women's increasing influence in the sector.

4. Global Landscape:

-Analysis of impact investing practices around the world.

-Impact of cultural, economic, and regulatory differences on impact investing.

Case Study: Analyze a global impact investing scenario and post discussions on the forum.

5. Key Concepts and Terminology:

-Deep dive into the specialized language of impact investing.

-Clarifying complex terms and how they relate to investment strategies.

Downloadable Glossary: PDF glossary of terms for reference.

6. Interactive Learning and Assessment:

-A quiz to reinforce understanding of the basics of impact investing.

-Engaging activities to explore the differences between impact and traditional investing.

-Live Poll: Poll on key concepts during a recorded session.

Week 2: Aligning Investments with Personal Values

1. Women and Financial Power:

-Addressing how women think differently about money and investments.

-Recognizing and harnessing the financial power women already possess.

-Exploring the significance of even small investments and their contributions towards making a difference.

Email Challenge: Prompts encouraging reflection on personal financial power.

2. Financial Returns and Social Impact:

-Balancing the pursuit of financial returns with achieving social impact.

-Understanding the notion of financial fulfillment and how it ties into impact investing.

-Interactive Infographic: Visual representation of balancing financial returns with social impact.

3. Fundamentals and Terminology:

-Some essential terms in impact investing that participants need to know.

-Clarifying these terms to build a strong foundation for informed investing decisions.

Interactive Worksheet: Apply key terms in practical scenarios.

4. Personal Relationship with Money:

-Unpacking personal money stories and their influence on financial behavior.

-Activities to help participants integrate their values with their financial decisions.

-Reflections on putting heart and mind into investments for a values-aligned approach.

Reflection Journal: End-of-module reflection on personal finance stories.

5. Building Your Financial Foundation:

-Guidance on assessing financial status before beginning to invest.

- Determining how much money you have and can allocate to impact investments.

-Establishing clear investment criteria based on personal financial assessment and goals.

Group Discussion: Small group discussions on setting financial goals.

6. Interactive Learning and Assessment:

-Engaging participants with interactive activities to learn, experiment, and enjoy the process of aligning investments with values.

-A section dedicated to taking action, turning learning into practice.

Reflection and Action Planning: Encouraging participants to prepare for a journey of learning and growth in impact investing. Encouragement to take action, however small, to start their impact investing journey.

Deep Dive into Core Concepts: An in-depth discussion of how participants can align their investments with their personal values..

Week 3: Building Your Financial Foundation

1. Assessing Financial Readiness:

-Guidance on evaluating one's financial health before investing.

-Importance of understanding current assets, liabilities, and cash flows.

2. Determining Investment Capacity:

-Strategies for determining how much money can be allocated towards investments.

-Emphasis on the importance of emergency funds and insurance before investing.

3. Developing Investment Criteria:

-Establishing criteria that align with personal financial goals and impact objectives.

-Consideration of risk tolerance, time horizon, and liquidity needs.

-Downloadable Checklist: For assessing financial health.

4. Investment Analysis Skills:

-Tools and techniques for a fundamental analysis of investment opportunities.

-Emphasis on understanding financial statements and key investment metrics.

-Case Studies in Financial Analysis: Real-world examples of investment analysis to illustrate best practices.

-Discussions on how different investment decisions play out over time.

Interactive Financial Planning Workshop: Interactive Workbook: Exercises on determining investment capacity. Exercises to apply learned analysis skills to hypothetical investment scenarios.

Week 4: Overview of Asset Classes in Impact Investing

1. Exploring Asset Classes:

Detailed look at various asset classes including equities, fixed income, private equity, venture capital, impact funds, microfinance, renewable energy, real assets, and more. Discussion on how each asset class can play a role in an impact-oriented portfolio.

2. Private Market Opportunities:

In-depth analysis of private market opportunities, such as private equity and venture capital. Exploration of the impact potential and entry strategies for private investments.

3. Risk and Return Considerations:

Examination of the risk-return profile for different asset classes. Strategies for managing risk while aiming for social and environmental impact.

4. Principles of Diversification:

The role of diversification in managing investment risk and enhancing portfolio resilience. How to achieve diversification across various impact themes and asset classes.

5. Interactive Asset Class Analysis:

Engaging sessions where participants analyze and compare different asset classes. Interactive exercises to demonstrate the construction of a diversified impact portfolio.

Discussion Board: Share thoughts on diversification strategies.

Week 5: Foundations and Themes in Impact Investing

1. Principles of Impact Investment Analysis:

-Fundamentals of financial analysis specific to impact investments.

-Understanding key financial metrics and how to interpret them within the context of impact.

Interactive Worksheet: Exercises to apply financial analysis in impact investment.

2. Introduction to Impact Measurement Frameworks:

-Familiarizing participants with popular impact measurement tools and standards.

-Practical examples of how these frameworks are applied in real investment scenarios.

Weekly Q&A Session: Discuss challenges and experiences using these frameworks.

3. Developing a Personal Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for Impact:

-Crafting a personal IPS that captures both financial goals and desired social/environmental outcomes.

-Exercises to help articulate a clear investment strategy and policy.

Downloadable Template: For crafting a personal IPS.

4. Exploring Social and Environmental Impact Themes:

-Identifying key impact themes such as gender equality, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture. Relating these themes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a global context.

Live Polls during Webinar: Gauge participant interest in different impact themes.

5. Risk Management in Thematic Investing:

-Introducing basic risk management strategies tailored for social and environmental thematic investments.

Discussing the importance of diversification within thematic portfolios.

6. Case Studies and Interactive Theme Analysis:

-Analyzing real-world case studies that illustrate successful social and environmental impact investments. Interactive group exercises to identify personal thematic interests and align them with potential investment opportunities.

7. Creating Thematic Investment Opportunities:

-Overview of thematic funds and direct investment opportunities. Strategies for evaluating the impact potential and financial viability of thematic investments.

8. Interactive Workshops and Reflection:

-Workshops to practice developing a thematic investment strategy. Reflective exercises to consider personal values and how they influence investment choices.

Week 6: Impact Measurement and Portfolio Management

1. Developing Impact Thesis and Measurement Framework:

-Crafting a clear impact thesis for guiding investment decisions.

-Establishing a measurement and management framework for tracking progress towards impact goals.

Peer Review Assignment: Review each other's impact thesis and frameworks.

2. Portfolio Management Techniques:

-Portfolio construction methods tailored for impact investing. Utilizing software and analytical tools for ongoing portfolio monitoring and rebalancing.

3. Impact Reporting Standards:

-Reviewing global impact reporting standards and frameworks. Learning to communicate impact effectively to stakeholders.

4. Interactive Impact Measurement Workshop:

-Hands-on activities for measuring impact. Role-playing exercises to practice impact communication with various audiences.

Role-play Exercise: Simulate impact communication scenarios.

Week 7: Navigating the Regulatory and Ethical Landscape

1. Regulatory Compliance for Impact Investors:

-Overview of the regulatory considerations in different regions and how they affect impact investments.

-Strategies for maintaining compliance while pursuing impact goals.

Case Study: Explore a regulatory challenge and its resolution. Ethical Investment Practices: Discussion on ethical dilemmas that can arise in impact investing and how to navigate them. Incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into investment decisions.

2. Legal Structures and Tax Considerations:

-Examining various legal structures used in impact investing, such as LLCs, CDFIs, and benefit corporations.

-Understanding the tax implications of impact investments.

Quiz: Test understanding of various legal and tax aspects.

3. Case Studies and Role-Play:

-Analysis of case studies that highlight regulatory and ethical challenges.

Role-play scenarios to practice decision-making in ethical situations.

Week 8: Sector-Specific Impact Investing

1. Healthcare and Education:

-Investment opportunities and impact potential in the healthcare and education sectors.

-Reviewing how impact investments can drive innovation and access in these areas.

Email Challenge: Tasks related to investments in these sectors.

2. Environmental Sustainability:

-Deep dive into investments targeting climate change, conservation, and sustainable resource management.

-Case studies on successful environmental impact investments.

Interactive Infographics: Visual representation of impact in this sector.

3. Community Development and Empowerment:

-Examining investments that support community development, such as affordable housing and local entrepreneurship. Strategies for measuring and enhancing community-level impact.

Group Project: Develop a hypothetical community development investment plan.

4. Interactive Sector Analysis:

-Workshops on evaluating impact investment opportunities in various sectors.

-Group discussions on aligning sector-specific investments with personal impact goals.

Weekly Q&A Session: Discuss sector-specific queries and insights.

Week 9: Engaging with Impact Investing Ecosystem

1. Impact Investing Networks and Associations:

-Mapping the global impact investing ecosystem and identifying key players.

-How to engage with networks, associations, and groups to find opportunities and partners.

Interactive Networking Workshop: Simulate networking scenarios.

2. Collaboration with NGOs and Government Bodies:

-Partnering with non-profits and government entities for impact investments. Case studies of public-private partnerships and their outcomes.

Discussion Board: Share potential collaboration ideas and experiences.

3. Mobilizing Capital for Impact:

-Strategies for attracting and mobilizing capital from various sources for impact projects.

Discussion on pitch preparation and investor relations.

4. Interactive Networking Workshop:

-Simulations of networking scenarios and building connections in the impact investing space.

Role-playing to practice engagement and communication with potential partners and investors.

Week 10: The Evolution of Impact Investing

1. Future Trends and Innovations:

-Predictions and insights on the evolution of impact investing.

-Examining technological advancements and their potential influence on the sector.

-The future of women in impact investing. and what’s next for women.

Interactive Worksheet: Scenario planning exercises.

2. Adapting to Market Changes:

-Developing an adaptive investment approach to navigate future market shifts.

-Strategies for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving impact investing landscape.

Group Discussion: Brainstorming on personal impact investing futures.

3. Creating a Personal Impact Roadmap:

-Tools for designing a long-term impact investing plan that can adapt to changes.

Exercises to envision and plan for future impact goals.

4. Interactive Future-Planning Session:

-Activities to forecast and prepare for personal impact investing futures.

Group brainstorming on potential future scenarios in impact investing.

Week 11: Personal Leadership and Growth in Impact Investing Empowering

1. Developing Leadership Skills:

-Techniques for personal leadership development within the impact investing space.

-Building confidence and competence to lead impact initiatives.

Interactive Leadership Activities: Role-playing as leaders in various scenarios.

2. Advocacy and Community Building:

-Strategies for becoming an advocate for impact investing.

-Creating and nurturing a community of impact-minded investors

.Email Challenge: Tasks to advocate for impact investing.

3. Mentorship and Lifelong Learning:

-The importance of mentorship in personal and professional growth.

-Identifying opportunities for continuous learning in impact investing.

4. Interactive Leadership Activities:

-Role-playing as leaders in impact investment scenarios.

-Group exercises in mentorship and community engagement.

Week 12: Action-Oriented Conclusion and Next Steps Consolidating learnings and preparing

1. Consolidation of Key Learnings:

-Reviewing and synthesizing the key concepts covered throughout the course.

-Reflection on how these learnings can be applied to real-world situations.

Reflection Journal: Summarize key concepts and personal takeaways.

2. Strategizing for Impact Action:

-Developing a clear and actionable impact investing strategy.

-Setting goals and milestones for the short, medium, and long term. Downloadable.

Action Plan Template: Guide for creating a personal strategy.

3. Implementation Workshop:

-Hands-on planning for the implementation of participants' impact investing strategies.

-Preparing for potential challenges and how to overcome them.

Group Workshops:  Collaborative sessions for feedback and support on implementation plans.

4. Interactive Implementation Planning:

-Activities to turn strategies into concrete action plans.

-Collaborative sessions for peer feedback and support on implementation plans.

Week 1: Introduction to Impact Investing

1. Impact Investing Overview:

-Definitions, history, and evolution of impact investing.

-Distinctions between impact investing and other forms of philanthropy.

Interactive Workbook: Fill-in-the-blank workbook for key definitions and history.

2. Impact vs. Traditional Investing:

-Understanding the differences in objectives, methodologies, and outcomes.

-The shift in investor mindset from profit-only to profit-with-purpose. How impact investing measures up against traditional investment benchmarks.

Quiz: Short quiz to assess understanding of differences between impact and traditional investing.

3. Role of Women in Impact Investing:

-Examination of current trends and the increasing influence of women.

-Future potential for women to shape the industry. Highlighting successful women-led impact investments.

Discussion Board: Share thoughts on women's increasing influence in the sector.

4. Global Landscape:

-Analysis of impact investing practices around the world.

-Impact of cultural, economic, and regulatory differences on impact investing.

Case Study: Analyze a global impact investing scenario and post discussions on the forum.

5. Key Concepts and Terminology:

-Deep dive into the specialized language of impact investing.

-Clarifying complex terms and how they relate to investment strategies.

Downloadable Glossary: PDF glossary of terms for reference.

6. Interactive Learning and Assessment:

-A quiz to reinforce understanding of the basics of impact investing.

-Engaging activities to explore the differences between impact and traditional investing.

-Live Poll: Poll on key concepts during a recorded session.

Week 2: Aligning Investments with Personal Values

1. Women and Financial Power:

-Addressing how women think differently about money and investments.

-Recognizing and harnessing the financial power women already possess.

-Exploring the significance of even small investments and their contributions towards making a difference.

Email Challenge: Prompts encouraging reflection on personal financial power.

2. Financial Returns and Social Impact:

-Balancing the pursuit of financial returns with achieving social impact.

-Understanding the notion of financial fulfillment and how it ties into impact investing.

-Interactive Infographic: Visual representation of balancing financial returns with social impact.

3. Fundamentals and Terminology:

-Some essential terms in impact investing that participants need to know.

-Clarifying these terms to build a strong foundation for informed investing decisions.

Interactive Worksheet: Apply key terms in practical scenarios.

4. Personal Relationship with Money:

-Unpacking personal money stories and their influence on financial behavior.

-Activities to help participants integrate their values with their financial decisions.

-Reflections on putting heart and mind into investments for a values-aligned approach.

Reflection Journal: End-of-module reflection on personal finance stories.

5. Building Your Financial Foundation:

-Guidance on assessing financial status before beginning to invest.

- Determining how much money you have and can allocate to impact investments.

-Establishing clear investment criteria based on personal financial assessment and goals.

Group Discussion: Small group discussions on setting financial goals.

6. Interactive Learning and Assessment:

-Engaging participants with interactive activities to learn, experiment, and enjoy the process of aligning investments with values.

-A section dedicated to taking action, turning learning into practice.

Reflection and Action Planning: Encouraging participants to prepare for a journey of learning and growth in impact investing. Encouragement to take action, however small, to start their impact investing journey.

Deep Dive into Core Concepts: An in-depth discussion of how participants can align their investments with their personal values..

Week 3: Building Your Financial Foundation

1. Assessing Financial Readiness:

-Guidance on evaluating one's financial health before investing.

-Importance of understanding current assets, liabilities, and cash flows.

2. Determining Investment Capacity:

-Strategies for determining how much money can be allocated towards investments.

-Emphasis on the importance of emergency funds and insurance before investing.

3. Developing Investment Criteria:

-Establishing criteria that align with personal financial goals and impact objectives.

-Consideration of risk tolerance, time horizon, and liquidity needs.

-Downloadable Checklist: For assessing financial health.

4. Investment Analysis Skills:

-Tools and techniques for a fundamental analysis of investment opportunities.

-Emphasis on understanding financial statements and key investment metrics.

-Case Studies in Financial Analysis: Real-world examples of investment analysis to illustrate best practices.

-Discussions on how different investment decisions play out over time.

Interactive Financial Planning Workshop: Interactive Workbook: Exercises on determining investment capacity. Exercises to apply learned analysis skills to hypothetical investment scenarios.

Week 4: Overview of Asset Classes in Impact Investing

1. Exploring Asset Classes:

Detailed look at various asset classes including equities, fixed income, private equity, venture capital, impact funds, microfinance, renewable energy, real assets, and more. Discussion on how each asset class can play a role in an impact-oriented portfolio.

2. Private Market Opportunities:

In-depth analysis of private market opportunities, such as private equity and venture capital. Exploration of the impact potential and entry strategies for private investments.

3. Risk and Return Considerations:

Examination of the risk-return profile for different asset classes. Strategies for managing risk while aiming for social and environmental impact.

4. Principles of Diversification:

The role of diversification in managing investment risk and enhancing portfolio resilience. How to achieve diversification across various impact themes and asset classes.

5. Interactive Asset Class Analysis:

Engaging sessions where participants analyze and compare different asset classes. Interactive exercises to demonstrate the construction of a diversified impact portfolio.

Discussion Board: Share thoughts on diversification strategies.

Week 5: Foundations and Themes in Impact Investing

1. Principles of Impact Investment Analysis:

-Fundamentals of financial analysis specific to impact investments.

-Understanding key financial metrics and how to interpret them within the context of impact.

Interactive Worksheet: Exercises to apply financial analysis in impact investment.

2. Introduction to Impact Measurement Frameworks:

-Familiarizing participants with popular impact measurement tools and standards.

-Practical examples of how these frameworks are applied in real investment scenarios.

Weekly Q&A Session: Discuss challenges and experiences using these frameworks.

3. Developing a Personal Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for Impact:

-Crafting a personal IPS that captures both financial goals and desired social/environmental outcomes.

-Exercises to help articulate a clear investment strategy and policy.

Downloadable Template: For crafting a personal IPS.

4. Exploring Social and Environmental Impact Themes:

-Identifying key impact themes such as gender equality, clean energy, and sustainable agriculture. Relating these themes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a global context.

Live Polls during Webinar: Gauge participant interest in different impact themes.

5. Risk Management in Thematic Investing:

-Introducing basic risk management strategies tailored for social and environmental thematic investments.

Discussing the importance of diversification within thematic portfolios.

6. Case Studies and Interactive Theme Analysis:

-Analyzing real-world case studies that illustrate successful social and environmental impact investments. Interactive group exercises to identify personal thematic interests and align them with potential investment opportunities.

7. Creating Thematic Investment Opportunities:

-Overview of thematic funds and direct investment opportunities. Strategies for evaluating the impact potential and financial viability of thematic investments.

8. Interactive Workshops and Reflection:

-Workshops to practice developing a thematic investment strategy. Reflective exercises to consider personal values and how they influence investment choices.

Week 6: Impact Measurement and Portfolio Management

1. Developing Impact Thesis and Measurement Framework:

-Crafting a clear impact thesis for guiding investment decisions.

-Establishing a measurement and management framework for tracking progress towards impact goals.

Peer Review Assignment: Review each other's impact thesis and frameworks.

2. Portfolio Management Techniques:

-Portfolio construction methods tailored for impact investing. Utilizing software and analytical tools for ongoing portfolio monitoring and rebalancing.

3. Impact Reporting Standards:

-Reviewing global impact reporting standards and frameworks. Learning to communicate impact effectively to stakeholders.

4. Interactive Impact Measurement Workshop:

-Hands-on activities for measuring impact. Role-playing exercises to practice impact communication with various audiences.

Role-play Exercise: Simulate impact communication scenarios.

Week 7: Navigating the Regulatory and Ethical Landscape

1. Regulatory Compliance for Impact Investors:

-Overview of the regulatory considerations in different regions and how they affect impact investments.

-Strategies for maintaining compliance while pursuing impact goals.

Case Study: Explore a regulatory challenge and its resolution. Ethical Investment Practices: Discussion on ethical dilemmas that can arise in impact investing and how to navigate them. Incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into investment decisions.

2. Legal Structures and Tax Considerations:

-Examining various legal structures used in impact investing, such as LLCs, CDFIs, and benefit corporations.

-Understanding the tax implications of impact investments.

Quiz: Test understanding of various legal and tax aspects.

3. Case Studies and Role-Play:

-Analysis of case studies that highlight regulatory and ethical challenges.

Role-play scenarios to practice decision-making in ethical situations.

Week 8: Sector-Specific Impact Investing

1. Healthcare and Education:

-Investment opportunities and impact potential in the healthcare and education sectors.

-Reviewing how impact investments can drive innovation and access in these areas.

Email Challenge: Tasks related to investments in these sectors.

2. Environmental Sustainability:

-Deep dive into investments targeting climate change, conservation, and sustainable resource management.

-Case studies on successful environmental impact investments.

Interactive Infographics: Visual representation of impact in this sector.

3. Community Development and Empowerment:

-Examining investments that support community development, such as affordable housing and local entrepreneurship. Strategies for measuring and enhancing community-level impact.

Group Project: Develop a hypothetical community development investment plan.

4. Interactive Sector Analysis:

-Workshops on evaluating impact investment opportunities in various sectors.

-Group discussions on aligning sector-specific investments with personal impact goals.

Weekly Q&A Session: Discuss sector-specific queries and insights.

Week 9: Engaging with Impact Investing Ecosystem

1. Impact Investing Networks and Associations:

-Mapping the global impact investing ecosystem and identifying key players.

-How to engage with networks, associations, and groups to find opportunities and partners.

Interactive Networking Workshop: Simulate networking scenarios.

2. Collaboration with NGOs and Government Bodies:

-Partnering with non-profits and government entities for impact investments. Case studies of public-private partnerships and their outcomes.

Discussion Board: Share potential collaboration ideas and experiences.

3. Mobilizing Capital for Impact:

-Strategies for attracting and mobilizing capital from various sources for impact projects.

Discussion on pitch preparation and investor relations.

4. Interactive Networking Workshop:

-Simulations of networking scenarios and building connections in the impact investing space.

Role-playing to practice engagement and communication with potential partners and investors.

Week 10: The Evolution of Impact Investing

1. Future Trends and Innovations:

-Predictions and insights on the evolution of impact investing.

-Examining technological advancements and their potential influence on the sector.

-The future of women in impact investing. and what’s next for women.

Interactive Worksheet: Scenario planning exercises.

2. Adapting to Market Changes:

-Developing an adaptive investment approach to navigate future market shifts.

-Strategies for staying ahead in a rapidly evolving impact investing landscape.

Group Discussion: Brainstorming on personal impact investing futures.

3. Creating a Personal Impact Roadmap:

-Tools for designing a long-term impact investing plan that can adapt to changes.

Exercises to envision and plan for future impact goals.

4. Interactive Future-Planning Session:

-Activities to forecast and prepare for personal impact investing futures.

Group brainstorming on potential future scenarios in impact investing.

Week 11: Personal Leadership and Growth in Impact Investing Empowering

1. Developing Leadership Skills:

-Techniques for personal leadership development within the impact investing space.

-Building confidence and competence to lead impact initiatives.

Interactive Leadership Activities: Role-playing as leaders in various scenarios.

2. Advocacy and Community Building:

-Strategies for becoming an advocate for impact investing.

-Creating and nurturing a community of impact-minded investors

.Email Challenge: Tasks to advocate for impact investing.

3. Mentorship and Lifelong Learning:

-The importance of mentorship in personal and professional growth.

-Identifying opportunities for continuous learning in impact investing.

4. Interactive Leadership Activities:

-Role-playing as leaders in impact investment scenarios.

-Group exercises in mentorship and community engagement.

Week 12: Action-Oriented Conclusion and Next Steps Consolidating learnings and preparing

1. Consolidation of Key Learnings:

-Reviewing and synthesizing the key concepts covered throughout the course.

-Reflection on how these learnings can be applied to real-world situations.

Reflection Journal: Summarize key concepts and personal takeaways.

2. Strategizing for Impact Action:

-Developing a clear and actionable impact investing strategy.

-Setting goals and milestones for the short, medium, and long term. Downloadable.

Action Plan Template: Guide for creating a personal strategy.

3. Implementation Workshop:

-Hands-on planning for the implementation of participants' impact investing strategies.

-Preparing for potential challenges and how to overcome them.

Group Workshops:  Collaborative sessions for feedback and support on implementation plans.

4. Interactive Implementation Planning:

-Activities to turn strategies into concrete action plans.

-Collaborative sessions for peer feedback and support on implementation plans.

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Empowering Women to Learn, Invest,

and Make an Impact

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